As part of our series of posts looking at the Legislation around letting property, we are looking at MEES. So, what are MEES?
MEES stands for Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards. These standards, which apply to domestic property let by private landlords, came into force on 1stApril 2018.
The legislations is aimed at ensuring landlords and property owners improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This is done by restricting the granting and continuation of existing tenancies where the property has an Energy Performance Certificate Rating of F and G.
If you are a landlord of a privately rented property, MEES means that, from April 1st2018 your property is required to meet a minimum standard for energy efficiency.
You will not be able to grant a new tenancy for a property, to either a new or existing tenant, if it has an energy efficiency rating of lower than E. From 2020 this legislation will be extended to include all existing tenancies as well. This means you will no longer be able to let a property at all if it falls below this minimum rating.
Your Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) shows the energy efficiency rating of a property, including recommendations for improving its energy efficiency. Any property which has been marketed for sale or let since 2008 will have an EPC which usually last for 10 years. You can check your EPC information online at
Where a landlord wishes to continue letting a property which does not meet the Standard they will need to make sure that energy efficiency improvements are made to the property to meet the minimum E rating.
There are third party resources available to help with the cost of these improvements, like the Green Deal and some local authority improvement grants. For more on the green deal see
For more information on the MEES legislation, see the further guidance available on the website
Did you know? There are over 150 rules and regulations relating to private landlords letting residential property? Getting it wrong can lead to heavy fines and even imprisonment!
Recent years have seen a number of new regulations so if you have been renting out property for a while, it may be a good time to refresh your knowledge of relevant legislation.
If you are a private landlord and would like to take advantage of our offer of a free rental property check, to ensure your current property meets all the required standards, get in touch with us now to make an arrangement.